Fall minis 2023!

Can’t believe it’s time to start thinking about fall sessions!  I will be hitting most of the favorite locations this year – can’t wait to see everyone!  Available times are below the date/location.  If you have a free or pre-paid session and want to redeem for a slot please email me with the date and time you want and I will block off for you.

Sunday, October 8th (Griffith Park)

Time Desired

Saturday, October 14th (Manhattan Beach Pier)

Time Desired

Sunday, October 15th am (Pasadena City Hall)

Time Desired

Sunday, October 15th pm (RAT Beach)

Time Desired

Saturday, October 21st (Los Encinos Park – Encino)

Time Desired

Sunday, October 22nd (Manhattan Beach Pier)

Time Desired

Saturday, October 28th (Griffith Park)

Time Desired

Sunday, October 29th (RAT Beach)

Time Desired

Sunday, November 12th (Santa Monica Pier)

Time Desired

Saturday, November 18th (Cerritos – Heritage Park)

Time Desired

Friday, November 24th (Manhattan Beach Pier)

Time Desired

Saturday, November 25th (Pasadena City Hall)

Time Desired

Sunday, November 26th (Manhattan Beach Pier)

Time Desired

Saturday, December 2nd (Griffith Park)

Time Desired

Sunday, December 3rd (Manhattan Beach Pier)

Time Desired


My sweet boy,

I can hardly believe tonight is your last night as a ten year old – I know I say this every year but the time has just gone way too fast. I remember coming home from the hospital with you like it was yesterday. This last year was a challenging one – you just completed your fourth grade year which was entirely via zoom due to the Covid pandemic. You guys did get to spend the last couple months back on campus but had to wear masks and keep distanced from your friends. Despite the challenges you finished the year with perfect grades like normal – you are a very smart, dedicated student and are always on top of your work. You also love to read like your mama and most nights I have to tell you a few times that it’s time to put your book away and go to sleep. Your favorites are graphic novels like Dog Man and Wimpy Kid and you love Minecraft and Pokemon books as well. You just finished your first season of majors for baseball and your team did very well and you’re looking forward to starting soccer in a couple months. You still enjoy playing drums and guitar and are taking keyboard this summer also.

Movies and video games top your favorite things to do list as well as playing with your cousins and playdates with your friends at Dave and Busters, Lamppost, etc. You and your sister are both thrilled that most places have opened back up and you’re able to see your friends again. We had a laser tag party with a few of your friends last week and it was so nice to see you guys running around and playing after being separated for over a year. You also love hanging at grandma and papa’s house and have declared that grandma’s is your favorite restaurant lol. She rotates your favorites for dinner the nights we are there and you love it. For the most part you are a great big brother – Ellie is with you at camp for the first time this year and you have been helping her find her way around and feel comfortable. You two love playing video games together as well and you are pretty patient with her. I love watching your relationship develop and I am happy you will have each other as you grow up.

I cannot tell you how proud I am of how you have handled the last year and a half – navigating our new family dynamic during a pandemic and while being out of your normal routine and separated from your friends cannot have been easy but you have stayed strong and good-natured and kept your sense of humor through it all. I love the intelligent, sweet young man you are growing into and I can’t wait to see what life has in store for you. I love you so much and Happy Birthday to the boy that made me a mama <3 Love, Mama

Beach Minis 2025!

Saturday, May 17th (Santa Monica Pier)

Saturday, May 17th 6:00pm

Pay now

Saturday, May 17th 6:30pm

Pay now

Saturday, May 31st (Seal Beach Pier)

Saturday, May 31st 6:00pm

Pay now

Sunday, June 1st (Manhattan Beach Pier)

Sunday, June 1st 9:00am

Pay now

Sunday, June 1st 9:30am

Pay now

Sunday, June 1st 10:00am

Pay now

Saturday, June 14th (Ventura Pier)

Saturday, June 14th 7:00pm

Pay now

Saturday, June 21st (Manhattan Beach Pier)

Saturday, June 21st 6:30pm

Pay now

Saturday, June 21st 7:00pm

Pay now

Saturday, June 28th (Santa Monica Pier)

Saturday, June 28th 6:30pm

Pay now

Saturday, June 28th 7:00pm

Pay now

Sunday, June 29th (Newport Beach Pier)

Sunday, June 29th 6:30pm

Pay now

Saturday, July 12th (non beach – Malage Cove Library)

Saturday, July 12th 6:00pm

Pay now

Saturday, July 19th (non beach – Howlett Park)

Saturday, July 19th 6:00pm

Pay now

Saturday, July 19th 6:30pm

Pay now

Saturday, July 26th (Manhattan Beach Pier)

Saturday, July 26th 6:30pm

Pay now

Saturday, July 26th 7:00pm

Pay now

Saturday, Aug 9th (Manhattan Beach Pier)

Saturday, August 9th 6:30pm

Pay now

Saturday, August 9th 7:00pm

Pay now


My little goose,

Today was your last day as a five year old – you have been talking about your birthday non-stop for months now and are so excited for your dinner tomorrow and drive-by party on Sunday. I know the drive-by party isn’t exactly what you had in mind but I know you will be happy to see your friends even if it’s just for a few minutes. There have been some huge changes in your life this year – in our lives – and you have adjusted fairly well. You are so smart and mature and not afraid to show your feelings – you “love hard” and I could not be prouder of the strong little girl you’re turning into. Though your sassy mouth drives me crazy sometimes I know your strong personality will take you far in life. I can’t wait to see what you grow up to do and be but I wish the time would slow down just a bit.

Some of your favorite things these days include playing Barbies, teaching school, watching your ipad, playing Roblox and Minecraft online with your brother and cousins, dressing up and adding as many accessories as possible, putting on makeup, painting your nails – you love pretty much anything super girly unlike your mama lol. You have just started getting into American Girl and I see lots of trips to the store in our future. Grandma is probably your favorite person these days – she will always stop what she is doing to play with you and you two are the best of friends. You are in kinder this year and while it looks much different than we expected you are enjoying it anyhow and doing well with the long days. You have the same teacher your brother had and she runs a tight ship which is exactly what you need. You doing your online school at Papa’s while mama and dada work and he is enjoying kinder too! You continue to prefer snacking to eating meals and tend to graze all day. You are a picky eater and like only a handful of things which makes it hard to pack your lunches. Lovie continues to be your constant companion though he has to stay in the other room during school. You lost your first two teeth in the last few months and were excited for tooth fairy visits – of course you wanted to head right to Target to spend your money. You became quite the little swimmer this summer as well practicing every weekend in dada’s pool.

Watching you grow into your own little person has been such a joy. I cannot imagine a world without you in it. You make me laugh and smile every single day. I love you so much Ellie girl.




My sweet boy,

Today you are ten years old and your mama is having a very hard time with it. You are so grown up now – no longer the little boy who loved to cuddle with me on the couch watching cartoons. The time has gone much too fast. This has been a year of huge changes for you and our family and you have taken them all in stride like always. I always worry and you always prove me wrong – you are so smart and resilient. You just finished up 3rd grade and due to the Covid virus the last three months of school were online. You had no issues transitioning to distance learning – you and Ellie have been staying with Papa during the days while I work and he said you sat for hours and worked until you were done – never complained. Your grades remained close to perfect and you even helped a bit with Ellie’s work and keeping her entertained. You haven’t once complained about not being able to see your friends or go places like normal and you didn’t even seem upset that the VR party you have been planning had to be canceled. You are a happy kid – always humming and singing and laughing – I hope that never changes.

Your favorite things these days include playing video games, nerf guns, having movie nights, going to Dave and Busters with friends and playing your wide variety of sports. You played soccer last season, did taekwondo and had just started baseball season when Covid hit. You continue to take drum lessons and were enjoying your mathlab class prior to school closing. You love playing with your cousins, riding your scooter, having playdates with Luis or Chris and planning sleepovers at Grandma’s. You love to read and I catch you reading in bed many nights after you should be asleep just like I did at your age. You mostly read graphic novels but will read some chapter books as well. You love to draw and write stories – I found lots of treasures while cleaning out your backpack this year. You are kind and thoughtful and so well behaved. I am so proud of the young man you are growing into – I can’t wait to see what life has in store for you.

Being your mama has been the greatest adventure of my life.

Happy Birthday and I love you,


You aren’t going to be happy but I’m going to make you re-take your birthday pics at sunset this week because I hate the splotchy morning light 😛

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