
My little goose,

Today was your last day as a five year old – you have been talking about your birthday non-stop for months now and are so excited for your dinner tomorrow and drive-by party on Sunday. I know the drive-by party isn’t exactly what you had in mind but I know you will be happy to see your friends even if it’s just for a few minutes. There have been some huge changes in your life this year – in our lives – and you have adjusted fairly well. You are so smart and mature and not afraid to show your feelings – you “love hard” and I could not be prouder of the strong little girl you’re turning into. Though your sassy mouth drives me crazy sometimes I know your strong personality will take you far in life. I can’t wait to see what you grow up to do and be but I wish the time would slow down just a bit.

Some of your favorite things these days include playing Barbies, teaching school, watching your ipad, playing Roblox and Minecraft online with your brother and cousins, dressing up and adding as many accessories as possible, putting on makeup, painting your nails – you love pretty much anything super girly unlike your mama lol. You have just started getting into American Girl and I see lots of trips to the store in our future. Grandma is probably your favorite person these days – she will always stop what she is doing to play with you and you two are the best of friends. You are in kinder this year and while it looks much different than we expected you are enjoying it anyhow and doing well with the long days. You have the same teacher your brother had and she runs a tight ship which is exactly what you need. You doing your online school at Papa’s while mama and dada work and he is enjoying kinder too! You continue to prefer snacking to eating meals and tend to graze all day. You are a picky eater and like only a handful of things which makes it hard to pack your lunches. Lovie continues to be your constant companion though he has to stay in the other room during school. You lost your first two teeth in the last few months and were excited for tooth fairy visits – of course you wanted to head right to Target to spend your money. You became quite the little swimmer this summer as well practicing every weekend in dada’s pool.

Watching you grow into your own little person has been such a joy. I cannot imagine a world without you in it. You make me laugh and smile every single day. I love you so much Ellie girl.



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