My sweet boy,

Today you are ten years old and your mama is having a very hard time with it. You are so grown up now – no longer the little boy who loved to cuddle with me on the couch watching cartoons. The time has gone much too fast. This has been a year of huge changes for you and our family and you have taken them all in stride like always. I always worry and you always prove me wrong – you are so smart and resilient. You just finished up 3rd grade and due to the Covid virus the last three months of school were online. You had no issues transitioning to distance learning – you and Ellie have been staying with Papa during the days while I work and he said you sat for hours and worked until you were done – never complained. Your grades remained close to perfect and you even helped a bit with Ellie’s work and keeping her entertained. You haven’t once complained about not being able to see your friends or go places like normal and you didn’t even seem upset that the VR party you have been planning had to be canceled. You are a happy kid – always humming and singing and laughing – I hope that never changes.

Your favorite things these days include playing video games, nerf guns, having movie nights, going to Dave and Busters with friends and playing your wide variety of sports. You played soccer last season, did taekwondo and had just started baseball season when Covid hit. You continue to take drum lessons and were enjoying your mathlab class prior to school closing. You love playing with your cousins, riding your scooter, having playdates with Luis or Chris and planning sleepovers at Grandma’s. You love to read and I catch you reading in bed many nights after you should be asleep just like I did at your age. You mostly read graphic novels but will read some chapter books as well. You love to draw and write stories – I found lots of treasures while cleaning out your backpack this year. You are kind and thoughtful and so well behaved. I am so proud of the young man you are growing into – I can’t wait to see what life has in store for you.

Being your mama has been the greatest adventure of my life.

Happy Birthday and I love you,


You aren’t going to be happy but I’m going to make you re-take your birthday pics at sunset this week because I hate the splotchy morning light 😛

M o r e   i n f o