My sweet little boy . . .

how is it possible that you are 19 months old when it seems you were this small just yesterday:

*Photo courtesy of my bestie Erica Adams <3

the time has gone by so fast and you are more little boy now than baby. You are such a joy – a good sleeper, a great eater and hardly ever fussy. You love to run, read, to play with your cars and trucks and to do puzzles. You love your bear and carry it everywhere. Your favorite people besides mama and dada are Papa, Grandma, Abuelita, Uncle Josh, Megan and Abby – oh and Shadow whom you call “fo fo”. You ask for “wow wow” all the time which we have figured out means any of the shows you love which are Chuggington, Wow Wow Wubbzy, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Phineas and Ferb (which daddy loves too!). You will eat almost anything but your favorites are cheese, corn, rice, puffies, watermelon (or any melon for that matter), pasta, fruit snacks and peas. You drink a ton of milk and love water. You are always smiling, dancing and laughing and when I come home in the evening you run to me with that 1000 watt smile and just melt away all of my worries. I feel so blessed to have such a sweet little boy in my life – you make me want to be the best person and mama I can be. I love you so much little dude and can’t wait to see what this life has in store for you but in the meantime I will enjoy everything that makes up the 19 month old you.



And If I never told you
I want you to know
As I watch you grow

I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams
And that faith gives you the courage
To dare to do great things
I’m here for you whatever this life brings
So let my love give you roots
And help you find your wings

-Mark Harris

The following pictures were all taken by the amazing Dave Richards when Christian turned 18 months:

**all images copyright Dave Richards Photography

People always ask me why I would pay a photographer to take pictures of my kid when I’m a photographer myself – there are many reasons with the main one being that Christian is my most difficult subject. He refuses to look at my camera 😛 If I’m not shooting then I can help get him to look and smile – and sometimes I even get to be in a few of the pics 🙂 Secondly, there are many, many photographers whose work I admire and who have styles much different from my own. I appreciate their talent and the amount of work that goes into not only shooting a toddler but post-processing the images. And most of all every photographer sees things differently – the things that caught Dave’s eye about Christian are things that I often overlook since I see them everyday – his wispy hair, mischievious grin, cute little teeth – all things I hardly ever notice that are present in these images. Thank you Dave and Sandy for capturing my little guy perfectly at 18 months old – I will always treasure these memories. Oh and if you are getting married soon Dave is definitely your guy – his wedding work is amazing!

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