Fun little dude!

This was my fourth time hanging out with this little guy and he is always so much fun! This time we threw sticks in the fountain, explored some statues and practiced our jumping 🙂

Ahh those curls! Those lashes! To die for!

Graces . . .

323 : 365

1. First weight watchers weigh in was a good one – I’m super motivated!
2. 100 calorie pack of Oreos – only two points and yummmmy 🙂
3. A shoot coming up with one of my three favorite subjects – my beautiful niece Megan. Can’t believe she is turning twelve in two weeks – eeeek how did I get so old??!
4. Picked the shots from Christian’s 18 month shoot that I’m going to enlarge – still have to order the prints but the chosing is the hardest part 😉
5. Got some great shots of my little guy playing with his daddy last night – one of my faves:

Legos, cars and puzzles definitely top the favorite toys list right now 🙂

M o r e   i n f o