
My sweet little guy,

In the morning you will wake up and be “halfway to an adult” as you like to say even though I keep telling you being an adult isn’t very much fun 😛 I can hardly believe how fast these nine years have gone by – I can close my eyes and remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. While a part of me is sad that your baby and toddler years are long gone, I am so so proud of the young man you are growing up to be. You are so incredibly smart and inquisitive – you blew through second grade with straight A’s while taking drum classes, doing taekwondo and playing soccer and baseball. Your baseball team won the championship this year and you improved so much this season. You are a happy kid – always smiling and singing and for the most part you are a great big brother. You and Ellie butt heads at times but mostly because she wants to be in the middle of whatever you are doing. You are protective of her and she just lights up when she sees you at school – she is so proud to be on campus with you and Abby this year. You love to write, create and build – I am always finding books you are writing or drawings you’ve done in your school folder and you love building legos and creating things out of boxes and things you find. I joke that you are my junk collector but honestly I think it’s really cool what you imagine up in that head of yours. I just wish you wouldn’t pull things out of the trash and bring them home 😉

Pokemon, nerf guns, video games and all things Marvel top your favorite things these days. You spend hours organizing and trading pokemon cards with your friends and love going to Dave & Busters to collect Marvel cards from the game there. You love watching movies and having game nights especially with Dada – you two are definitely the best of friends. Riding your scooter, hanging at grandma’s and playing with your cousins also tops your list of fun. You love to read as well and while I should encourage you not to read so late I actual love finding you reading in bed with your book light like I used to do every night at your age. Watching you grow and change has been the greatest joy of my life – I can’t wait to see who you will grow up to be and what you will do with your talents. But I do hope these next nine years go by just a little slower.

Happy Birthday to the boy who made me a mama and makes me so proud every day. Dada and I love you to the moon and back.


once again you weren’t super cooperative for your birthday pics so there’s just a couple – the weird poses were your idea and I promised I would use them 😛

Fall minis 2019!!

Saturday, September 7th – Seal Beach rustic

Time desired

Sunday, September 8th am – Malaga Cove Library

Time desired

Saturday, September 14th – Malaga Cove Library

Time desired

Saturday, September 21st – Pacific Palisades (Rustic Canyon)

Time desired

Sunday, September 22nd – Hermosa Beach (Ardmore/greenbelt)

Time desired

Sunday, September 22nd pm – Santa Monica Pier

Time desired

Saturday, September 28th (PV horse trails)

Time desired

Sunday, September 29th am – PV rustic

Time desired

Sunday, September 29th pm – PV – St Francis

Time desired

Saturday, October 5th – Malaga Cove Library

Time desired

Sunday, October 6th am – Pasadena City Hall

Time desired

Sunday, October 6th pm – Los Encinos Park

Time desired

Saturday, October 12th – PV horse trails

Time desired

Sunday, October 13th am – LACMA poles

Time desired

Sunday, October 13th pm – Manhattan Beach Pier

Time desired

Saturday, October 19th – Cal State Northridge Orange Grove

Time desired

Sunday, October 20th am – Westside – Tree People

Time desired

Sunday, October 20th – Westwood – Holmby Park

Time desired

Friday, October 25th – RAT beach

Time desired

Saturday, October 26th am – Palos Verdes Rustic

Time desired

Saturday, October 26th – Griffith Park

Time desired

Sunday, October 27th am – PV rustic

Time desired

Sunday, October 27th pm – Manhattan Beach Pier

Time desired

Tuesday, October 29th – Manhattan Beach Pier

Time desired

Friday, November 1st – RAT Beach

Time desired

Saturday, November 2nd – Manhattan Beach Pier

Time desired

Sunday, November 3rd am – Hermosa Beach greenbelt (Ardmore)

Time desired

Sunday, November 3rd pm – Wilderness Park

Time desired

Friday, November 8th – RAT Beach

Time desired

Saturday, November 9th am – PV Rustic

Time desired

Saturday, November 9th pm – Santa Monica Pier

Time desired

Saturday, November 16th – Manhattan Beach Pier

Time desired

Sunday, November 17th am – Santa Monica Pier – shots are on the sand/near the water

Time desired

Sunday, November 17th pm – Manhattan Beach Pier

Time desired

Tuesday, November 20th – RAT Beach

Time desired

Saturday, November 23rd am – PV Rustic

Time desired

Saturday, November 23rd pm – Wilderness Park

Time desired

Sunday, November 24th – Cal State Northridge Orange Grove

Time desired

Friday, November 29th – Manhattan Beach Pier

Time desired

Saturday, November 30th – RAT Beach

Time desired

Sunday, December 1st am – Palos Verdes Rustic

Time desired

Sunday, December 1st – Santa Monica Pier – shots are on the sand/near the water

Time desired

Saturday, December 7th – Manhattan Beach Pier

Time desired

Sunday, December 15th – Manhattan Beach Pier

Time desired

Santa Monica beach minis!!

Saturday, April 13th

Time desired

Saturday, April 27th

Time desired

Saturday, June 1st

Time desired

Saturday, June 15th

Time desired

Saturday, August 24th

Time desired


My little goose,

When you wake up tomorrow you will be four! I can hardly believe it – seems like yesterday I was dropping your brother off at preschool and headed to the hospital to have you – we had no idea how much life was going to change with a girl in the house but boy did it. Now the house is filled with princess songs and baby dolls, sparkly shoes and twirly dresses and it’s not unusual to find dada on the floor playing barbies with you – something I’m sure he never imagined himself doing! To say you keep us on our toes is a gross understatement – you are a perfect mix of sass and drama, sweet and smart. The things you say make me laugh daily but I’m also positive you have already given me my first gray hairs. You and your brother fill our days with so much fun and we love watching you both grow into your own little people.

You are still spending your days with “friends and Jody” until you start school next year. You also spend lots of time at Grandma and Papa’s house which is definitely one of your favorite places to be. Grandma tops your favorite playmate list along with Dada and brother. Every morning you beg to play with Dada for just five more minutes before he goes to work. You love to play barbies, feed or put your babies to bed, color or paint, play play-dough or board games, cook in your kitchen and watch videos on your ipad. You love to paint your nails, dress up in pretty clothes and accessorize with lots of jewelry. You love all things princess especially Elsa, Anna, Ariel or Rapunzel and your love of Minnie Mouse is still strong as well. You have become more of a picky eater lately and prefer to snack all day instead of eating at meal time and like your papa you have a strong sweet tooth!

I can’t wait to see what this next year holds for you as you grow into such a big girl. Dada, Mama and Christian love you so much!


Sunset at Griffith Park

I cannot believe how neglected my poor blog is – I have so many favorite shots from recent sessions I want to share! I met up with this adorable family at my favorite Griffith Park spot and as usual it did not disappoint – the lighting is so pretty there in the afternoons. I loved just about every shot from this session – it was so hard to narrow down just a few to share!

graces . . .

1. 2018 is nearly booked for Kaptured by Kristen! I have just a few fall mini sessions left (including one at this great spot!) and one weekend full session spot and that’s a wrap for this year!

2. Pumpkin everything is back in the stores – my favorite time of year!

3. Christian is loving taekwondo and will be testing for his first belt next week

4. Fun presents in the mail from our besties who moved to Indiana a couple months ago – we miss them so much but love getting surprises from them ❤️

5. Successfully surprised my mom for her 60th birthday last weekend – was so fun to do something special for the woman who does everything for us ❤️

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