All Smiles!

This little guy is as cute as they come and one of the happiest babies I’ve ever met! His beautiful mama was a high school classmate of mine and does wonderful things for the Change for Chad Foundation that I mentioned here. Aren’t they the cutest little family?!

graces . . .

1. Had a good Mother’s Day despite the hubby having to work – darn restaurant business. He sent beautiful flowers and I spend a quiet day home with the little guy who was on his absolute best behavior 🙂 Then had a yummy dinner at my moms <3 2. When I went in last night to check on Christian he wasn't quite asleep - he rolled over and said "good night mama, sweet dreams" - first time I've heard him say sweet dreams and it was the cutest thing ever 🙂 3. Got a jar of crunchy cookie butter from my mom - I was having withdrawels! 4. Wore my hair curly yesterday for the first time in probably a year - when I got in the car I thought I heard Christian say "mama have pretty hair" but then he started repeating "crazy hair crazy hair" over and over again so I guess I misheard him 😛 5. A huge opportunity coming up in a couple of weeks thanks to my dad's cousin who you will see on the blog shortly 🙂

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