It’s snowing!

I told myself I wasn’t going to post any shoots that were super Christmasy just because I’m ready to move on from the holiday season but I was cleaning out my harddrive and came across these and decided they were too cute not to share! I met up with this cutie and her mama who is a photographer and friend of mine to help her with her pinterest inspired holiday card – I wasn’t there to shoot – just to help throw snow and such but I couldn’t resist snapping a few shots.

so serious but oh so cute!

I will miss this little gal and her mama as they just moved away – looks like some road trips will be in order soon 🙂

and some graces . . .

1. My little guy turned two and a half yesterday! I can hardly believe how fast it has gone – he brings so much joy to our lives every day
2. Facebook friends turned real life friends 🙂
3. My new camera baby arrived today – for the first time in my career I will not be bummed to use my backup body since it’s now the same as my main body!
4. Showed up at my parent’s to pick up my package just as my dad was finishing dinner – great timing if I do say so myself 🙂
5. Completely booked for Jan and only a few slots left for February – a solid start for my first year as a full-time photographer!

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