Sigh . . . my little Gap baby is also growing up way too fast and now he has a gorgeous little sis that you met here 🙂 Their super talented mama has made some wonderful hand painted shirts for Christian for his birthday parties, first holidays etc 🙂 Her walls are also covered in prints from their shoots with me which just fills my heart – I love seeing what my clients do with their images <3
graces . . .
1. I’m a disk burning machine tonight – 7 down and 5 more to go – if you’re waiting on a disk chances are it’s going out tomorrow morning 🙂
2. Snuggling with little man on the couch after work – love that he let’s me because I know someday he will be grown and won’t want his mama hanging on him anymore 🙁
3. Big print order came in today – love seeing the super big prints that my clients are putting on their walls!
4. Honest company – ordered their sample packs to help me decide what to spend my plum voucher on and have loved all the products so far – can’t wait to order more!
5. Working on the photo cover for my new Life Planner – thanks to Dave Richards Photography I have so many wonderful images to choose from!
*** Just a note to holiday mini peeps – if the Encino day doesn’t start booking I am going to move that day to the south bay so if you’re planning on booking out in the valley do it soon!